Individualized Collective
Who's the last who's the first who gives up who has the thirst what lessons can be learned what goals left to spurn what trials did you earn what suffering burned such a vastness this reality and still an anomaly within each human being born on luck's wings or perhaps fate is taking off the gloves and still the devil runs amuck yet from inside a beautiful world continues unfurled another great spectacle lost in the moment it exists within each soul yet we all keep having forgotten there is an accumulation a vast richness of experience a deep glittering canopy what it's like from inside the works even in silence or dim light this tapestry shifts and shrouds the panoply of considerations raw sensation and desire dancing across the universe multiplied by earth's population and there's dishes to be done what began a vast sea ends in a narrow stream a faint conclusion stickied on each back shoulder and to imagine one another one can only ponder beyond the veil of each perspective draped between the next judgement lies imagination that glorious engine it rides beyond with mirror glasses on often it sees itself at you air raid when it's comin through each sweeping collection life's accumulation crystalized by some unseen guide the mind in the machine the body seeks to provide leave it there freeze dried and eat pie with whipped cream this unique self assembly we only see from outside catch the tags and the labels gotta make it relatable we're liable to be misapplied over time and space so great the human race each human face.